EC4SC holistically examines media in Afghanistan

An Exile Media Forum 2023 took place in Hamburg on 12 September 2023. Participants explored ways and approaches to cooperate, coordinate, and help exile media worldwide. Freedom of speech is shrinking across the world unfortunately, said Sven Tetzlaff, head of the democracy, engagement, and cohesion department at Körber Stiftung. As a keynote speaker and editor-in-chief

Call for Submissions

Titel: Indigenous Perspectives on the Collapse of Afghanistan’s Republic‌Book and SymposiumDate: September 15, 2023Leipzig University, Leipzig, Germany The Symposium and Book on Indigenous Perspectives on the Collapse of Afghanistan’s Republic, organized by the Afghanistan Forum in Germany and the Communications Center for Social Change Institute at Leipzig University, aims to gather Afghanistani intellectuals and researchers

Successful 2nd Masterclass: AI Tools, Data Analysis, and More

We are pleased to announce the successful completion of our second masterclass this week. The masterclass focused on AI tools, data analysis, data capture, and data sources for our researchers.The scientiests had the opportunity to learn from experts in these fields and enhance their knowledge. The masterclass featured insightful presentations on utilizing AI tools effectively

Image Film

Exciting news! “Afghanistan International”, a London-based TV channel, has featured our project and Kefa Hamidi in a special video. The segment showcases our project’s goals and highlights the University of Leipzig’s contributions. “Afghanistan International” is dedicated to providing balanced and impartial news to Afghan audiences and the world. Stay tuned for this insightful feature, part

First meeting in Leipzig

From May 3-5, the first meeting of the Afghanistan Media System and Public Sphere project researchers took place in Leipzig. The meeting was of great importance as it marked the starting point for the project and gave the researchers the opportunity to get to know each other and to work together on organizational planning. During

Website Launch

We are delighted to inform you that the Afghanistan Media System and Public Sphere website is now officially launched! On our website, you will find regularly updated news about the progress and developments of our project. We report on the process, share outcomes, and provide insights into the work of our researchers. Our goal is