In this section you will find a selection of our scientific articles published in academic journals. These articles explore key issues in our areas of research and offer innovative perspectives to the academic community.
- Social media and disinformation in war propaganda: how the Afghan government and the Taliban use Twitter I Hazrat Bahar
- Representations of China in the Global Media Discourse I Hazrat Bahar
- How Social Media Is Dismantling Socio-Cultural Taboos in Afghanistan I Hazrat Bahar
- Image of China in the Afghan media I Hazrat Bahar
- Afghanistan and Pakistan Relations: What Issues Matter? I Hazrat Bahar
- Impacts of Social Media on Public Policy Development in pre-Taliban Afghanistan I Hazrat Bahar
- China’s Public Diplomacy in Afghanistan through media I Hazrat Bahar
- Media and its role in the past two decades in Afghanistan I Hazrat Bahar
- The Duel of Jihadists in the Public Sphere of Afghanistan: The Online War Between the ISKP and the Taliban Groups I Abumoslem Khorasan
- Gender Differences in identity profiles of individual in social media I Laily Habib
- Social Media use in political campaigns in Afghanistan during the 2018 parliamentary elections I Hamid Obaidi
- Music and Politics in Afghanistan: An Analysis of Seven Decades of National Anthems of Different Political Regimes in the Country I Hamid Obaidi